Expresar nuestra opinión
1. Me parece: I think
´Parecer´ literally means ´to seem´.
There is a reflexive version of it, ´parecerse a´, which means ´to look like´.
Ejemplo: mi hermana se parece a mi madre.
When we use ´parecer´ to express our opinion we need the indirect object pronouns (me, te, le, nos, os, les) in the same way we do when we use ´gustar´.
Ejemplo: las novelas de Isabel Allende me parecen excelentes
´Las novelas de Isabel Allende´ are the subject of the sentence. The sentence above translates literally as:
Isabel Allende´s novels to me seem excellent (or ´Isabel Allende´s novels seem excellent to me´)
However, this is a very common way to express our opinion in Spanish and it would be equivalent to:
I think Isabel Allende´s novels are excellent
I find Isabel Allende´s novels excellent
In the same way as ´gustar´, ´parecer´ is only conjugated in the 3rd person singular (parece) and the 3rd person plural (parecen), depending on whether we are talking about one thing or more than one thing:
la película me parece bonita
las películas me parecen bonitas
If we are using an adjective after ´me parece´ we need to make it match the subject of the sentence, that is, if the subject is feminine singular, the adjective will be feminine singular too.
2. Quizlet set of flashcards with adjectives to use with ´me parece´
La película me parece aburrida
El libro me parece ridículo
Las casas me parecen bonitas
Los hoteles me parecen prácticos
3. Quizlet set of flashcards with noun phrases to use with ´me parece´
La película me parece un rollo
El libro me parece una tomadura de pelo
Las casas me parecen una obra de arte
Los hoteles me parecen una barbaridad
4. Quizlet con vocabulario para realizar la actividad 3 de la página 85 de Aula Internacional 2
5. Showing agreement or disagreement with someone else´s opinion.
Show you agree on someone´s opinion ´me parece...´: a mí, también
Show you agree on someone´s negative opinion ´no me parece...´: a mí, tampoco
When someone says ´me parece...´ and you don´t agree: a mí, no
When someone says ´no me parece...´ and you don´t agree: a mí, sí
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